Friday, September 26, 2008

Fossil Findings

Egads! Eric Seagull showed me a copy from the Journal of Ornithology that some mysterious fossils were found within the sedimentary rock of the galapagos islands. When they were reconstructed, they appear to be of primitive birds that show signs of human characteristics. The shape of the beaks indicate that primitive speech may have been possible. The size of the craniums were also larger than normal birds. They are not like Dean Owelle and myself, however, because the fossils show more of a wingspan, suggesting these creatures were able to fly. In short, these fossils seem to represent intermediate forms between normal birds and humanoid talking birds. Bird primates, if you will. Now all we need are some preserved samples of genetic material from these past generations, but I hear that's hard to come by. Maybe there's one of these bird creatures still in existence, walking (or flying) around the islands that we can invite into a study. Although I'm not sure if we could get it to fill out the consent form.

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